Panera Autumn Squash Soup Recipe


Hey there, fellow foodies! Isn’t it just amazing how a bowl of soup can encapsulate the very essence of a season? That’s exactly what Panera’s Autumn Squash Soup does. It’s like a warm, cozy hug in a bowl, bursting with flavors that make you think of crisp leaves underfoot and the gentle chill of fall in the air.

A Symphony of Fall Flavors

Let’s dive into what makes this soup a seasonal showstopper. Imagine the sweetness of butternut squash and the earthiness of pumpkin coming together in a velvety blend. Now, add a hint of cinnamon and a whisper of nutmeg, and you’ve got a flavor profile that sings of harvest festivals and pumpkin patches.

But it’s not just about the squash and spices; oh no. It’s the apple cider that gives this soup a subtle kick, a gentle nudge of tartness that balances the sweetness just so. And let’s not forget the carrots and onions, simmered down to their sweetest selves, lending depth and a robust backbone to the whole affair.

The Secret Behind Its Creamy Texture

Now, you might be wondering, what’s the trick to achieving that creamy, dreamy texture? Well, my friends, it’s a combination of factors. The squash itself is a natural thickener once it’s cooked and pureed. But the real MVP here is the touch of cream that’s stirred in at the end. It’s like the final flourish on a masterpiece, the piece de resistance that brings it all together.

And here’s a little insider tip: a good blender or immersion blender will be your best buddy in achieving that smooth, luxurious consistency. It’s all about blending it to just the right level, where every spoonful is a seamless blend of all the ingredients, with not a lump in sight.

As we wrap up this ode to Panera’s autumnal delight, keep in mind that the magic of this soup lies in its simplicity and the quality of its ingredients. So, as we move on to talk about selecting the perfect squash, remember that the best dishes start with the best produce. Stay tuned for some top-notch tips on picking the squash that’ll make your soup a star of the season!

Harvesting the Perfect Squash

Let’s talk about the heart of Panera’s Autumn Squash Soup – the squash itself. Now, you might be thinking, “Isn’t squash just squash?” Not quite! The types of squash you choose can make or break your homemade version of this fall favorite.

Butternut and Pumpkin: A Match Made in Heaven

First off, butternut and pumpkin are the dynamic duo when it comes to this recipe. Butternut brings a naturally sweet, nutty flavor that’s hard to resist, while pumpkin adds that quintessential fall taste. Together, they create a mouthwatering base that’s rich, velvety, and oh-so-satisfying.

Tips for Picking the Best Squash

So, how do you snag the best squash at the market? Look for butternut squash with a solid beige color and a matte finish. It should feel heavy for its size, which means it’s packed with moisture and will be nice and tender when cooked. For pumpkins, opt for the smaller sugar or pie varieties. They’re sweeter and less fibrous than their jack-o’-lantern cousins, making them perfect for soup.

Remember, the fresher the squash, the better the soup. So, if you can, get your hands on some locally grown squash that hasn’t been sitting around for ages – your taste buds will thank you. And before you start chopping, give your squash a good wash to get rid of any dirt lingering on the skin.

Now that you’ve got your squash sorted, let’s spice things up a bit, shall we? Next up, we’re diving into the aromatic spices that will take your soup from good to “Can I have thirds, please?” Stay tuned!


Aromatic Spices to Warm Your Soul

Let’s dive into the heartwarming world of spices that make Panera’s Autumn Squash Soup not just a meal, but an experience. Now, you might be thinking, “Spices? How complicated can that be?” But trust me, it’s like composing a melody where each note has its place, creating a symphony of flavors that dance on your palate.

Balancing Sweet and Savory Notes

Imagine the sweet whispers of cinnamon mingling with the earthy undertones of nutmeg. These are not just any spices; they’re the ones that bring out the squash’s natural sweetness while giving it a comforting depth. But wait, let’s not forget about the zingy kick of ginger – it’s like that unexpected twist in a good book that keeps you hooked. Together, they balance the sweet and savory, making each spoonful a harmonious blend that warms you from the inside out.

Spice Shelf Must-Haves

Now, let’s talk about the must-haves on your spice shelf. First up, we’ve got the all-star cinnamon, a classic autumnal spice. Then, there’s the nutmeg, which should be used sparingly, like a secret ingredient that only you know about. And of course, ginger, which should be fresh, giving a kick that cuts through the richness. You’ll also want a hint of curry powder for its warm, subtle complexity, and a pinch of cayenne for those who dare – just enough to add a whisper of heat without overpowering the rest.

Each spice plays its part in creating a tapestry of taste, and when they come together, they create something magical. But remember, the key is quality – fresh, high-quality spices can make all the difference in transforming your soup from good to ‘can’t-stop-eating’ great.

As we wrap up our spicy chat, let’s not forget that the journey of creating this autumn delight is just as important as the destination. So, as you ready your spice arsenal, think about the next step in our culinary adventure: The Creamy Component Unveiled. Because what’s a velvety soup without its creamy counterpart, right? Stay tuned, as we’ll explore how to achieve that luxurious texture that makes Panera’s soup a seasonal staple.


The Creamy Component Unveiled

Let’s dive into the heart of what makes a bowl of soup feel like a warm hug – the creaminess. Now, if you’re aiming to recreate the luxurious texture of Panera’s Autumn Squash Soup, you’ve got options, and I’m here to spill the beans… or should I say, pour the cream?

Traditional vs. Plant-Based Cream

So, you’re standing in the dairy aisle, pondering over cartons and wondering, “Do I go old-school with heavy cream, or ride the wave of plant-based alternatives?” Well, let me tell you, both paths lead to yum town. Traditional dairy cream brings richness that’s hard to beat, but if you’re vegan or lactose-intolerant, fret not. Coconut milk, with its velvety texture, can be your ticket to creamy dreamy bliss. And guess what? It adds a hint of sweetness that complements the squash like they were long lost pals. Here’s a vegan twist on a classic that’ll knock your socks off!

Maintaining Richness While Catering to Dietary Restrictions

Now, navigating dietary restrictions can be a bit like threading a needle, but it’s all about balance. For those dodging dairy, almond milk thickened with a smidge of flour or cashew cream can do wonders. Similarly, oat milk is a rising star in the non-dairy scene, offering a lovely, almost buttery, backdrop for those spices we’ll chat about later. And the best part? You’re not sacrificing an ounce of that signature Panera richness. In fact, you’re crafting a soup that’s inclusive and just as indulgent.

Alright, so we’ve got our creamy base down pat, but what’s next? Ah, yes, preparing the stage for our culinary masterpiece. Stay tuned, as we’ll be talking about setting up your kitchen canvas with the right tools and techniques to make your soup-making as smooth as the soup itself. Don’t go anywhere; the journey to a perfect autumnal bowl of goodness is just getting started!


Preparing Your Kitchen Canvas

Let’s talk about setting the stage for a soup that’ll warm your heart and tickle your taste buds. Before we dive into the simmering and garnishing, getting your kitchen prepped is key. After all, a painter wouldn’t start without stretching their canvas, right? So, let’s get our kitchen canvas ready for the masterpiece that is Panera’s Autumn Squash Soup!

Essential Cookware for Soup Mastery

First things first, let’s chat about the tools of the trade. A solid, heavy-bottomed pot is your best friend here – it ensures even heat distribution, which is crucial for a soup that’s nothing short of perfection. Imagine the rich flavors mingling in that pot, just waiting to comfort you on a crisp autumn evening.

  • A durable cutting board – protect those countertops!
  • A sharp chef’s knife – because wrestling with squash is no joke.
  • A blender or immersion blender – for that velvety smooth finish we all crave.

Pro Tip: If you’re looking to invest in a new pot, go for one with a heavy lid too. It’ll keep all the steam and flavor where it belongs – in your soup!

Efficient Prep to Save Time

Now, onto the prep work. Trust me, a little organization goes a long way. Start by peeling and chopping your squash into uniform pieces – this not only speeds up the cooking time but also ensures each spoonful is as delightful as the last.

Don’t forget to mise en place, my friends. It’s a fancy way of saying, “get all your ducks in a row.” Measure out those spices, dice up the onions, and have your liquids at the ready. It’s all about making the cooking process as smooth as a pureed soup.

Remember, the key to a great soup is not just the ingredients but the love and care you put into making it. So, take your time, enjoy the process, and get ready for the next step – where things really start to get interesting.

Speaking of interesting, let’s talk about the magic of simmering to perfection. But that’s a story for the next section, where I’ll share how to coax out those deep, complex flavors that make Panera’s Autumn Squash Soup a seasonal sensation. Stay tuned, and keep that apron on!

Simmering to Perfection

Let’s talk about the magic of simmering, a step in soup-making that’s all about patience and love. Now, don’t just crank up the heat and rush this; we’re coaxing out flavors, not running a sprint. It’s all about that low and slow rhythm, like the beat of your favorite chill-out tune.

The Importance of Low and Slow

Imagine your pot is a stage, and the ingredients are the performers, each needing time to shine. By simmering your soup gently, you’re allowing the squash and spices to do a graceful dance, blending and infusing into a harmonious flavor that’ll warm you from the inside out. Keep it at a bubbling whisper; a full-on boil’s too aggressive and can make your soup more like a mosh pit than a ballet.

When to Know Your Soup is Ready

So, how do you know when it’s showtime? Well, your soup will tell you. The squash will be tender enough to melt under a fork’s touch, and the broth will have taken on a rich, golden hue that screams autumn. Taste it – if it makes you want to wrap yourself in a cozy blanket and watch the leaves fall, it’s ready.

But wait, there’s more to this soup story. Once you’ve nailed the simmering, it’s time to garnish with gusto. This isn’t just about making it look pretty; it’s about adding layers of texture and flavor that’ll make each spoonful a delight. So stick around, because we’re about to elevate your soup game to the next level!

Remember, the best soups are made with a dash of patience, a sprinkle of care, and a generous helping of heart. Keep stirring, keep tasting, and keep the love simmering. And hey, while you’re waiting for that perfect simmer, why not check out some essential cookware for soup mastery? Trust me, the right tools make all the difference. Happy simmering!

Garnishing with Gusto

So, you’ve simmered your autumn squash soup to perfection, and let me tell you, the aroma is already promising a hug in a bowl. But wait, before you grab a spoon, let’s talk garnishes. This is where you can get creative and give your soup a personal touch that will make your taste buds dance with delight.

Roasted Seeds for a Crunchy Contrast

Have you ever experienced that magical moment when texture meets taste? It’s like a symphony in your mouth! Roasting some squash seeds and sprinkling them on top of your soup not only adds a delightful crunch, but it’s also a nod to the soup’s main ingredient. Pro tip: Toss those seeds with a bit of olive oil and your favorite spices before roasting for an extra flavor kick.

  • Preheat your oven to 300°F (150°C).
  • Clean the seeds, removing any squash flesh.
  • Toss with olive oil and spices until well-coated.
  • Spread out on a baking sheet and roast for about 30-45 minutes, stirring occasionally, until golden and crisp.

A Drizzle of Flavor: Oils and Creams

Now, let’s drizzle our way to the finish line. A swirl of high-quality olive oil can introduce a fruity or peppery note, depending on the variety you choose. For those with a penchant for creaminess, a dollop of crème fraîche or even coconut cream can add a luxurious finish. Here’s a little secret: a hint of truffle oil can transform your soup into a gourmet experience. Just remember, a little goes a long way!

“Garnishes are the jewels of a dish. They should never be an afterthought.” – Culinary wisdom to soup up your presentation game.

Remember, the goal is to complement the soup, not overshadow it. Balance is key. Now, as you savor that first spoonful with its array of textures and flavors, think about how you can keep the momentum going. Maybe explore the world of spices or get savvy with your soup storage techniques. But that’s a story for another day. Until then, happy garnishing!

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Panera Autumn Squash Soup Recipe

Panera Autumn Squash Soup Recipe

Experience the flavors of fall with this homemade version of Panera’s beloved Autumn Squash Soup. This velvety soup combines butternut squash and pumpkin, all simmered in a rich broth infused with apple, cinnamon, and a hint of curry. It’s the perfect blend of sweetness and spice, making for a comforting bowl that’s ideal for crisp autumn days.

  • Total Time: 45 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings 1x


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 cups butternut squash, peeled and cubed
  • 1 cup pumpkin puree (canned or fresh)
  • 2 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 apple, peeled, cored, and chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon curry powder
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Pumpkin seeds and fresh parsley for garnish


  1. In a large pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic, cooking until the onion is translucent.
  2. Add the butternut squash, pumpkin puree, vegetable broth, and chopped apple to the pot. Stir in the cinnamon and curry powder.
  3. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer until the squash and apple are tender, about 20-25 minutes.
  4. Use an immersion blender to puree the soup until smooth. Alternatively, carefully transfer the soup to a blender in batches and blend until smooth.
  5. Return the soup to the pot (if using a blender) and stir in the heavy cream and honey. Heat through, but do not boil.
  6. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Serve hot, garnished with pumpkin seeds and fresh parsley.


  • For a lighter version, you can use half-and-half or a milk alternative instead of heavy cream.
  • If you prefer a bit more spice, you can increase the amount of curry powder or add a pinch of nutmeg.
  • The soup can be made ahead of time and refrigerated for up to 3 days or frozen for longer storage.
  • Author: Lara Grimes
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • Category: Soup
  • Method: Simmering
  • Cuisine: American
  • Diet: Vegetarian


  • Serving Size: 1 bowl (approximately 2 cups)
  • Calories: 300 kcal
  • Sugar: 18 g
  • Sodium: 500 mg (varies with broth used)
  • Fat: 18 g
  • Saturated Fat: 10 g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 6 g
  • Trans Fat: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 34 g
  • Fiber: 4 g
  • Protein: 3 g
  • Cholesterol: 60 mg

Keywords: Panera Autumn Squash Soup, Butternut Squash Soup, Pumpkin Soup, Fall Soup Recipe, Comfort Food

So, you’ve mastered the art of crafting a velvety smooth Autumn Squash Soup inspired by Panera’s cozy classic, and now you’re brimming with questions on how to fine-tune this fall favorite. Well, you’ve come to the right place! Let’s dive into some of the most frequently asked questions that’ll help you keep your soup game strong.

Frequently Asked Questions about Panera Autumn Squash Soup Recipe

Adjusting Thickness to Personal Preference

Got a soup that’s too thin for your liking? No worries! A simple fix is to let it simmer a bit longer – this allows some of the liquid to evaporate, giving you a thicker consistency. On the flip side, if it’s too thick, just stir in a splash of broth or water until you’ve hit your desired silkiness. Remember, you’re the artist here, and your soup is the canvas. Make it your masterpiece!

Storing and Reheating for Continued Enjoyment

  • Storing: Let’s talk leftovers. Make sure your soup has cooled down before you tuck it away in the fridge. Airtight containers are your best friends here, keeping your soup fresh for up to 4 days. Planning to savor it longer? Pop it in the freezer, and it’ll keep for a couple of months.
  • Reheating: When you’re ready to rekindle the flavors, thaw your soup gently in the fridge if it’s been frozen. Then, warm it up on the stove over medium heat, stirring occasionally. If you’re in a hurry, the microwave will do the trick – just remember to cover it and stir periodically to avoid any cold spots.

And there you have it, your very own cheat sheet for handling Panera’s Autumn Squash Soup like a pro. Keep these tips in your culinary toolkit, and you’ll be all set to whip up a heartwarming bowl of autumn delight anytime the craving hits!

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